A Bit About Us
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
NCCI was established in 1997 as a result of the Healthy Families / Thriving Communities Act. Several community organizations like the Associates for Renewal in Education (ARE), Bates Area Civic Association, Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, North Capitol Neighborhood Development, and Center City Community Corporation were significant in the planning of NCCI. Their efforts resulted in North Capitol Collaborative, Inc. receiving its planning grant in May 1997, and its first family services contract in April 1998.
Over the years, NCCI worked diligently to build and enhance its community partnerships to include community residents, police, civic associations and others who have discovered the collaborative model as a powerful vehicle for helping children and families.
NCCI is funded by The Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness (TCP) and various private donors.

Our Mission
is to protect and care for children, strengthen families and build thriving communities through the delivery of our services.

Our Vision
Our vision is the development of partnerships that concentrate on family support networks and neighborhood capacity building to prevent the removal of any child his or her family and community.

Our Philosophy
It is the philosophy of NCCI that the development of this mission and vision will lead to healthy families and thriving communities.

To North Capitol Collaborative Inc. Community Partners and Donors
Close your eyes and imagine how at the end of a long day, you don’t have a home to go to, let alone, a soft bed for you or your kids to lay down. Imagine being a child and not having food to eat for nourishment to grow. There are many basic necessities that we take for granted, that NCCI families are not financially fortunate to experience daily. North Capitol Collaborative, Inc. (NCCI) since it’s; inception goal is dedication, commitment, and service to vulnerable residents of the District of Columbia by empowering, and uplifting communities, families, and individuals utilizing a strengths-based approach that promotes hope for a better tomorrow. NCCI accomplishes our commitment through a number of corporate, non-profit, individual, federal and District of Columbia government partnerships. These invaluable partnerships enable NCCI the ability to provide wrap-around services and resources to D.C. residents to assist them in stabilizing, thriving, and building a healthy family life and community.
The harsh reality is that despite numerous safety net provisions, many families continue to experience food poverty and bouts of homelessness due to financial difficulties and other socio-economic challenges. Your donation will not only provide needed financial support, but it also assists NCCI sustainability of our programmatic operations to continue to provide valuable resources to D.C.’s vulnerable. Can we count on you to make a difference in a vulnerable resident life?
Thank you in advance for your generous support!